Cryptocurrency Talk


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31 Dec 2024 18:46:26
IMO 2025 is going to be the year Pulsechain takes off. Richard Heart should beat the SEC, the other assault thing has to be made up.

and if pdai pegs, happy days!

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02 Jan 2025 16:17:48
I'm not so sure ski sunday 2025.
If you look at the way Richard heart syphoned off 2.3 million ETH on the transactions in the court docs submitted by the SEC and other items bought including world's largest black diamond, cars and watches etc.
He also appears to be wanted by Interpol which isn't great.

Then check the tokenomics of Pulsechain that has dropped to nothing since boxing day and not a lot before that.

Pdai doesn't appear to have a circulating supply.

PulseX not available on anything I'd use with any trust:

Hex also on pulsechain has had the liquidity drained.

IMO I will stay well clear. Any other tips?

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub

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03 Jan 2025 14:50:57
Hey Supasub,

To be honest I don't pretend to know much at all about crypto, so all just my opinion, I work in construction, I try to pick up info by reading and researching, I also have a good buddy who made a killing on HEX since launch, he knows crypto big time, also made a killing when he changed linden dollars from the game “second life” to bitcoin in 2012, so I listen to him, but I didn't "bet" too much on pulsechain, who knows, right? might get lucky and be lifechanging!

Just a few thoughts on your comments, from my buddy and myself.

The funds on SAC were not spent by RH. On chain transactions prove this. They were moved. The cars and diamonds clown acting was deliberate by him using his own funds as he was already a multimillionaire via mining solo BTC after inception date. The judge didn’t even touch that in questioning.
The only issue I have with RH was his antics during phase one which did bring heat deliberately or otherwise during 2021.
I’m not saying Pulsechain is a slam dunk. It’s not. Code wise is perfect. It works flawlessly and never had any issues. The builder Richard Heart is an arsehole and has caused controversy. That’s the risk.

Tokenomics, is that not the technicalities of blockchain operation? Does this have anything to do with volume or transactions?
€80 million in volume and number 8 on overall chains including Base,  Solana etc etc
pDAI is coded to peg at $1. Not sure what you mean by circulating supply.
PulseX is not in anything, that's true.but it’s a DEX. It’s not supposed to be on anything. If you means fake DEXs like on centralised coin base. It’s a fork of uniswap another DEX.

Again as I said before. There’s more gain in high risk. That’s why I put in what you can afford to loose and no more.
I could bet on Solana doing 10x or ETH doing 3X which is fine. But starting out a small bet on controversy works in my books.
But take Solana It’s the number 4 crypto at the moment. Billions are pouring into it for the last 2 years butThe code has ****ed up on multiple occasions whereby they’ve actually had to restart the blockchain!
It’s a hard game. Especially being in a controversial chain. It’s not hard if you “bet” within your means. Let’s say worst case scenario RH loses. He gets slapped with a fine he pays and then we go up much later just like multiple other chains who went through the same process. The code works that what’s important.
However.It will be painful to watch other chains go up whilst outs corrects hard interim. That’s worst case.

Again let me say i'm learning, most of that above is my buddy, when I was chatting to him .

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04 Jan 2025 10:15:57
Hi Ski Sunday, of the 2.4+ million no cryptos, I don't understand why you are so passionate about this ecosystem without having a bit more scepticism.

What utility does it have?

I literally spent 5 minutes looking into your suggestions in your post just to have a look myself. I'm not going to spend time further looking into what you've added myself or try and disprove anything.

Your correct on Solana, I don't have any myself and that's one of the reasons why.

If I'm looking to swap/buy more I can look at your suggestions emotionally or not emotionally and it appears shady at best.

You seem to know more about it than you give yourself credit for and good luck with your investment, but IMO there is a lot more out there with more credibility, utility and trust with some very prominent developers.
Richard Heart for me has too much similarity to others before him, Roger Malcolm and all the rest.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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04 Jan 2025 14:55:33
Thanks Supasub, appreciate the comments, good luck with your future endeavours, Ill keep a lookout for your posts here, and learn more as I go. ? keep safe all!

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04 Jan 2025 17:17:39
Np. I'm no expert Ski Sunday I'm not a trader. I've tried most things in the crypto space and made a lot of mistakes along the way which involves losing money.
As I said there is now 2.4+ million cryptos!
When I properly started there was about 500 or so only about 7 years ago.
Most of them 95% at least will dissappear within the next few years including most meme coins leaving the real utility tokens and coins.
It needs more proper regulation which I hope is coming.

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08 Dec 2024 20:25:58
Good to see crypto start moving again. 1 to keep an eye on is FET.

{Ed033's Note - thanks

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29 Nov 2024 19:05:13
Supasub ans was. Was talking to a mate at work about xrp market cap and he said don't worry about the market cap it's the drops of crap that will make people millionaires, something about 1 xrp being divided up into 1 million drops and each drop worth 1cent would make xrp 10,000 dollars per coin. Do you know anything about this drop stuff

{Ed033's Note - I don't know about the drops, but i heard the original idea of XRP would put XRP at 10,000 dollars. However, i wouldn't get your hopes up with 10,000 this cycle. i think $9 is a good price this cycle [March 2025?].

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30 Nov 2024 20:56:20
I know it will be years but I was wanting to know if this drop thing was a real thing or something someone made up

{Ed033's Note - i don't know at the moment.

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04 Dec 2024 23:29:04
Don't know about that. But just been announced you can buy 1 xrp as a minimum rather than 10xrp. I think the $10k price comes from entire replacement of the Swift messaging/banking system that is outdated.

Xrp would need to be $1k roughly if ripple got 10% of the swift system. Would enable near instant transactions, 7 days a week, 24hrs a day at around 0.001 pence. No need to wait to midday with a £30 charge when buying a house.

No waiting until Monday for the money to show when you buy petrol or anything else on a Saturday/Sunday for instance.
RLUSD $1 needs XRP in order to use it. Most banks will need 50-75 million xrp.
Once held they could set the price of xrp twice daily like gold or even backed by gold (xrp has already been recognised as a stable coin by tptb but at what price?)

Xrp could potentially dissappear from exchanges soon. Another one to watch is HBAR imo. Mentioned by a WEF rep this week saying both XRP and HBAR are important to the WEF. HBAR has some serious big backers, Google, IBM, Boeing, SpaceX (6 days ago) potential partnership with Ripple for instance.

Not financial advise! But I would bag as much of these 2 and hold as they are still both cheap imo.

Things haven't even started to come into play yet. Trump doesn't start until 20th Jan (the day Gensler resigns) and the SEC case still yet to be dropped.
Also a lot of Quantum financial system (list attached lower down page) tokens pumping in recent weeks. XRP, HBAR, IOTA, XLM, XDC, ALGO, QNT, XDC etc.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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05 Dec 2024 09:49:14
In relation to the OP, It was David Schwartz who mentioned a possible scenario if XRP were to get so scarce that there could be a division say of 50 to 1 XRP.
Called Drops I think like you said. Tried to find a link to attach but you could just search anyway.
Would require a hefty software upgrade and the whole community to agree and would only be if it became so scarce. I think it'll be unlikely anytime soon if at all.

{Ed033's Note - thanks Supasub.

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05 Dec 2024 10:56:51
*million to 1xrp*

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21 Jul 2024 19:54:54
On the subject of Ripple/XRP Ed have you ever heard of Ryan Fugger? Ripple is a rabbit hole that I've looked into for years now.
Was bitcoin introduced to get people used to crypto but XRP the chosen one?

David Schwartz at Ripple has admitted to possibly being one of the 1st code writers of Bitcoin. Maybe even Satoshi himself? (If Satoshi isn't killed off already?)

Let me know what you think.

{Ed033's Note - Never heard of Ryan Fugger before. Thanks for the article url.

i would have thought that if the CBDCs were going to be run on XRP, than XRP would have already 'Mooned'?

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Jul 2024 21:34:50
You would have thought so ed. But the "flip of the switch" has been mentioned a few times in recent years including by I think Brad Garlinghouse? Hard to know what's going on behind the scenes.

{Ed033's Note - They have to move the financial system to a completely new type of system [blockchain is what has been chosen]. It's already here and being used, but they haven't told the general public yet. The question is whether XRP is a tiny part of that system or a major part of that system?

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21 Jul 2024 12:24:15

Considering opening a different bank account to buy crypto. Was using my normal day to day in the past but that seems like it'll cause trouble for me nowadays.

Could anyone offer some advice on which one?

A fun story about myself and crypto - my friends and I were buying btc at 7 dollars each. We just spent it on silk road etc and never considered the future. Could be a legit millionaire now rolling about in a lambo. Was an idiot in teens and early 20's. Just felt like we were getting illicit items for almost free for years. ??

{Ed033's Note - i think Supasub was doing Coinbase to Revolut to Starling Bank and vice versa at one point. Don't know whether this is still a method that works ok.

It's likely not many people thought BTC would reach 60k at the time [I never].

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21 Jul 2024 16:50:57
Yes still works. Revolut should bridge with most banks. Once set up which doesn't take long I can get funds across and back in less than a minute.
Most banks are going through a phase of being difficult until they make it easier again.

I turned down nearly 3 or 4 BTC in around 2005 for change on something sold on ebay for a few pounds. Tried to get back into the account and Hotmail but never could. Dismissed buying BTC at around £1 too years ago. I won't make that mistake again.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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11 Jul 2024 00:53:05
Hey Supasub total novice/beginner here so have a question for you if you don't mind, if I were to indulge in the world of Crypto are you saying XRP would be the way to go?

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13 Jul 2024 22:41:02
Hi royjac73, I've already made predictions that haven't yet come to fruition and possibly never will. All the analysts are generally using different chart theories to make predictions.

If you are looking to invest then either the Ed, myself or others can give opinions on making your investment/purchase.

If you scroll down through threads the Ed has added the different articles attached to help make decisions on what to hold.
For myself my holding is probably now about 80% XRP as everything I've read over the last few years is leading to something that can happen very soon.

For myself it's one of those moments in life you might regret if you don't buy in and miss the train. It's up to you. Read some of the links, research a little. If you post here what your thinking of doing then I'm sure we can give you the pro's and the con's between us.

It's opined that you shouldn't invest in crypto more than about 10% of your entire wealth. I've ridden the crypto winter and I've held xrp since before the SEC case so I've seen the negatives myself. I'm waiting for the 3rd wave that will probably be the biggest.

The best crypto to hold will be the one that can power everything itself, most trusted, transparent almost bullet proof and now in the process I believe of being made quantum proof (how?), not to mention that David Schwartz recently explained how XRP can be sent/received without Internet if need be?

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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16 Jul 2024 20:42:22
Thanks bud to be honest I am probably just going to purchase a little bit every week on payday as I don't have 10% of any wealth to lose lol

{Ed033's Note - Good luck with it, royjac73.

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18 Jul 2024 12:26:17
That's a good way to do it Royjac. I know a few people who do that at payday. That way you are averaging your buying whether it goes up or down.
Personally I'd start with XRP and soon as lots happening over the coming months not least the remedies phase of the SEC vs XRP Case which is rumoured for maybe July 31st (I've only been waiting about 3 years!).

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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06 Jun 2024 16:01:20
Just to add for Marco, Linked is the XRP liquidity cheat sheet from a few months ago for XRP showing what the price needs to be for the xrp ledger and goes up to 20 Trillion.

From Feb 2024 Archax exchange CEO Graham Rodford says that by 2025, there will be up to $30-$50 trillion in trading volume on XRPL

The World Bank's acknowledgment of Ripple's native crypto as a stablecoin signifies its increasing acceptance and utility in the global financial landscape. This recognition validates Ripple's efforts to position XRP as a dependable bridge currency for cross-border payments and settlements.

We know Ripple is bringing out their own stablecoin linked to 1 US Dollar so maybe XRP will be set by price twice daily like gold to facilitate cross border payments?

If these numbers are even remotely accurate then it'll be like nothing we've ever seen before and an opportunity you cannot miss! Elections in the US and here may slow things slightly and the outcomes as Trump and Rishi are very Pro crypto.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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21 Jun 2024 11:46:05
Thanks for all that info supasub it's greatly appreciated

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04 Jun 2024 11:05:29
A few guys in my work are all buying Pepe they seem to think this is going to be big. Do you know anything about this Ed or supasub

{Ed033's Note - I don't know anything about it. i would say based on its previous performance, that it could go on a big run in a Bull market, but that could happen with other Cryptos as well.

At the end of the day, it's difficult to figure out which cryptos will do well in a Bull run.

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04 Jun 2024 20:46:43
Thanks ed your knowledge is appreciated

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06 Jun 2024 13:28:27
I'm not really a fan of meme coins Marco so I'm not the best to ask although memes on Solana network seem to do well. The best value I think are with the tokens/coins with the most utility going forward which will be around for years to come.

Financial institution/banking crypto, A.I., virtual reality, Tokenisation of land/property, commodities (very big), coins like RNDR / Render (which I think is used for rendering camera apps on smart phones including apple/iphone and movie CGI etc? )

List of Quantum financial System crypto for finance/banks which I've posted before. Just set up a profile on coinmarketcap and save. They are going to be big.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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21 Jun 2024 11:46:43
Thanks supasub

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02 May 2024 08:58:03
Well all crypto seems to have taken a nosedive recently

{Ed033's Note - Right, but what we have to hope for is that in a couple of weeks, the alt coin market goes on a huge move up for a while.

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06 Nov 2023 18:22:50
Dubai pump on XRP ?

{Ed033's Note - Right

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07 Nov 2023 09:03:33
Hope so, also lot's of indicators etc showing a big pump around 15th, 16th, 17th of this month.
I know I've said it before but it may be that XRP is leaving price points behind which it'll never visit again.

{Ed033's Note - thanks Supasub, hopefully we can get over $7 XRP sometime next year?

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07 Nov 2023 11:19:34
That would be nice ed, a lot of the "experts" are suggesting the $7 you mention in the 1st quarter of 2024. British Bank iso implementation spring 2024 (although could be pushed back to the summer 2024) according to their roadmap. (I presume April 1st for the start of financial year) . All the indicators suggest a surge upwards from now into next year, especially 1st quarter of 2024. Not a lot happens over the xmas period.

{Ed033's Note - i was thinking $7 is last quarter of 2024, but i'll take $7 in April

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07 Nov 2023 12:49:32
I'd take last quarter ed anyway :) what we don't see or can't project is what's potentially going on, which isn't necessarily anywhere in the historical charts.
ISDA membership ($1.2 Quadrillion? market), BRICS, ISO/Swift etc, XRP price needs to be a lot higher to help facilitate the transactions value wise.

Only a couple of weeks ago, China did I think their 1st transaction buying 1 million barrels of oil using crypto/cbdc. Bought from the UAE via a Singaporian network (Ripple not long agreed Singaporian membership (SGX? ) with the biggest bank in Singapore. Ripple has partnerships with all the biggest banks in Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, Europe, America, Russia.
Maybe the start of bypassing the US Dollar which is what BRICS is about.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks.

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01 Oct 2023 21:19:24
Where would everyone recommend for storing your crypto

{Ed033's Note - Exodus wallet?

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02 Oct 2023 16:57:46
Where would one store or access it if the 'grid' went down?

Genuine question. Does it all just get 'reset'?

I apologise for the dementor like diminishing of confidence in anything. My bad.

{Ed033's Note - Ok, your crypto doesn't actually get stored inside a 'wallet'. Your crypto is always 'stored' in its Blockchain. A wallet accesses Blockchains.

If the 'grid' goes down, you wait for the 'grid' to come back up and hey presto, you have access to your crypto again.

Prior to the 'grid' going down, you can store your crypto in a Paper Wallet if you know how to do it. Look up 'how to store crypto on a paper wallet' in a search engine.

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03 Oct 2023 16:57:37
Thanks for the info, Ed033. I didn't know about the paper wallet option. that's a good option for the bug out grab bag or buried at a secret location.

So I guess the only way to erase the blockchain would be a realm-wide EMP type event but even then surely there are machines completely shielded from such events?

Maybe this is more a discussion for the Talk-Sense pages as my thinking is heading in that direction.

{Ed033's Note - It's highly likely that a quantum computer is able to steal our crypto from us.

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04 Oct 2023 14:01:41
In theory I think a Quantum computer could create more Bitcoin? Not entirely sure but that would lower the price if more were created.

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04 Oct 2023 14:24:18
It would'nt work for say XRP and Ethereum as the are now PoS (proof of stake) limited supply whereas BTC is still PoW (Proof of work) which is still mined but running out of equations.
I remember reading somewhere that a Quantum computer could create quite a lot more BTC and much quicker.

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14 Sep 2023 12:55:46
Just a general open question, what do you guys think the best platform is to sell crypto and extract payments?

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15 Sep 2023 10:06:03
I recently used Coinbase as I haven't tried anything else for a while and it worked fine for me.
First if you need to convert to XRP or XLM as it's cheap to send and send to Coinbase if you've nothing in your Coinbase account.
Convert to Cash GBP in Coinbase.
Send straight to your bank account depending on who you bank with.
If your bank (like many) have temporarily blocked crypto exchange payments then set up a Revolut account.
The process of sending from Coinbase to Revolut to your bank account once set up can take like a minute or so to do and appear in your bank account almost instantly.
You may need to send like £5/£10 from your bank account to Revolut to use the quick setup function which worked well for me.
Hope that helps.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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15 Sep 2023 12:42:29
I'm guessing you can send crypto straight to Revolut and convert but I've not tried it yet. I just do it as I explained as it works for me in a hurry.

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08 Sep 2023 14:11:33
In response to Marco's question further down about potential short term price for XRP.
Just a quick article link which was 1 of many that was around 1st week of August.
Wells Fargo Bank Treasury Manager says what XRP could reach in 4-7 months time, $100-$500. That would tie in with everything going on in the background regarding Swift and banks cbdc rollout etc.
Wells Fargo is a Ripple partner which uses swift so they have some insight as opposed to a yo*tuber. Not saying this will happen but.

XRP article

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub, in 7 months, i would suspect a few dollars for XRP at best.

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08 Sep 2023 14:33:37
Lol probably ed, but even double digits would be very nice.
Bitcoin halving which is around the 1st week of April 2024 will propel things hopefully between now and then too.

{Ed033's Note - I'm surprised you didn't offer to bet me £500 in XRP that XRP would hit $10 within 7 months' time :)

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08 Sep 2023 17:05:27
Lol, no, I'm not a betting man and my offer to you was unique and never done for anyone else. I need XRP to take off to pay you the more than likely £500 end of 2024 :)

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08 Sep 2023 17:11:09
What would be funny is if Ed32 was suddenly sitting on $20K - $100k in XRP. That would be newsworthy.

{Ed033's Note - That would be amazing

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09 Sep 2023 17:16:45
Incredibly kind of you to put that thought in to the Realm. Thanks, Supasub. Know you are appreciated by someone you have never met.

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07 Sep 2023 12:52:36
Hi Supasub,
Where do you think BCH fits into the new financial system?

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07 Sep 2023 13:46:49
I'm not entirely sure as I wouldn't call myself an expert but BCH (set at 21 million like BTC) costs something like less than 1 pence to send in a transaction but can still take anything like 20-30 minutes +, the cost of the transaction makes it attractive against BTC but it's still slow but I'm guessing it has it's place, I won't be getting any though.

BTC we know is expensive and slow. Can take up to around 40 minutes +, can cost around $50-$60+ to do a transaction (cheaper to just still do a BACS payment today so doesn't make sense) .

Neither have the utility to be dominant but retail and celebs still like BTC.
I'm guessing the Ripplehub is Ripples way of facilitating best price for banks/financial institutions of getting the best transaction price and speed for BTC, ETH, LTC and BCH in an instant.

I suspect more can be added. XRP isn't there but it will be once the case has ended. XRP will be like water/liquid gold that runs through everything.
XLM will be like silver but I think more for person to person payments and so on for some of the others listed ISO20022 approved and Quantum network linked coins/tokens.

XRP's cost and speed and it's groundwork in the last 6 years or so makes it imo the Daddy however much TPTB seem to be trying to push ETH which still has very high cost issues.

And yes, forgot to mention that Ed is absolutely bang on the money. XRP steps/spikes and pulls back then goes again. This last year or so it's spiking every 2 months so we are near the beginning of the next spike. You can skim so much off the top like Ed says and either withdraw your trade keeping a substantial bag or just hold in a stable $1 dollar token as the price goes down and buy back even if you need to wait days, weeks or a couple of months.
You will never be able to sell at the true top and buy at the true bottom though without some luck or a Bot.

Or like I do if your able to just Hold/Hodl. I've tried trading and I nearly always mess it up as I get fomo and get a little too emotional.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks supasub.

Would that make holding some ETH a hedge bet for you regarding crypto?

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07 Sep 2023 15:39:16
There is plenty I would hold ed lol. I had about 5 ETH that I traded in for QNT a few months ago at about $2k each. I then traded in my QNT for XRP.
I'm probably around 75% XRP, 5% XDC and 20% other stuff. I will only go into ETH and BTC again when XRP goes parabolic.
I like the idea of holding ETH but it is expensive to do anything with.
ETH has gone from POW to POS some time ago which means it can't be mined anymore.

What happens if the SEC change their tune and take it through the whole security status route? To do it now would be much worse timing than when they did it to Ripple as there seems to be more and more attention on ETH's "free pass" from Hinman and the SEC with congress also looking more into it. ETH price would tank overnight.

Vitalik is a shrewd character though, served an internship at Ripple and I think tried to be part of Ripple, he doesn't look human to me lol.
What we need to watch out for is if Vitalik manages to get rid of the very high gas fees, an ETH stablecoin and awareness of ETH integration with a large amount of financial institutions/banks globally as there only seems to be rumours in America.

There is nothing I can see by ETH or anyone else for that matter that even comes close to XRP/Ripple. XLM/Stellar and XDC are the only other ones making good partnerships but on a smaller level but then I can't see what I can't see.

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07 Sep 2023 15:46:10
Oh add HBAR / Hedera Hashgraph. Keep a close eye on this too as they seem to have a clear path with some very big backers.

{Ed033's Note - Ok, thanks a lot Supasub.

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07 Sep 2023 17:53:47
Don't know if I've posted this before, but just so people here know what I'm talking about. Link to the list for the Quantum Financial System on Coinmarketcap. A few of which are ISO20022 approved, including some mentioned in these threads.

Top QFS cryptos

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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06 Sep 2023 17:27:23
Does anyone think XRP will go up again in the short term. I bought mine for the long term but just thought I would see what other people think .Supasub lol

{Ed033's Note - i suppose it depends what you mean by short term. If short term is within 1 year from now, i would say 1 year from now, we could be in the multiple dollar range, but we have seen in the past that XRP spikes up and then comes back down, so if it spikes up, maybe take some off the table and then when it goes back down, put some back in. Easier said than done i admit.

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07 Sep 2023 09:18:30
Thanks ed by short term I meant in the 3-6 months range and long term I meant like a 5yr investment. I am long term unless something extraordinary happens .

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07 Sep 2023 09:34:48
Adoption will be key through BRICS + SCO (others will jump on board), ISO20022, the Quantum financial system, the Ripplehub (which facilitates BTC, ETH, LTC and BCH transactions) and many others like credit card companies, apps and websites etc.

Ripple has only recently become a member of the ISDA which is a $1.2 quadrillion financial giants market (current crypto market is $1.4 trillion, peaked around $3 trillion).

From now to what XRP could and will become part if not most of it sends it into a massive unknown for any cryptocurrency.
XRP being tailor made for this in the tokenisation of all stocks/shares and a reserve currency which other countries can use apart from the dollar, hence this prolonged SEC case as they saw what was coming.

It's just a matter of time. The Bank of England who have not long ago trialled ripple/xrp have on their roadmap to start cbdc / iso20022 in spring 2024 (i'm guessing April 1st 2024 for the start of the new financial year) . The Bank of England are a little behind other banks. I think a lot of positives are going to happen for Ripple/XRP in the next 6-9 months. It is a gold rush of our generation imo.

The Ripple president has announced this week that basically if any financial institutions/banks don't use Ripple/XRP then they will basically die or just disappear.

Just get what you can, try and store on a cold wallet if it's a substantial amount to you and sit tight and wait. 3 months to 24 months or so is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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07 Sep 2023 09:41:21
Just to add like I put on another page today. Natwest are apparently limiting deposits and withdrawals from September 11th (ironic date I know). Surely other banks will follow. The banks are leaving towns and high streets as they know they won't be needed as everything will be digital. They don't want your cash or cheques. Soon you will have a crypto wallet attached to microsoft edge and you have others like amazon and X formerly twitter going down this route. Both will be using Ripple/XRP. Elon is shedding his BTC and rarely mentions Doge and has changed Twitter to X. X = XRP and probably XLM and XDC.

{Ed033's Note - thanks Supasub.

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03 Aug 2023 23:29:47
So ed will xrp v sec still be going to court or is it all over now

{Ed033's Note - I think the original xrp v sec case hasn't finished yet

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05 Aug 2023 01:13:45
Ok thanks ed

{Ed033's Note - after the original xrp v sec case is over, we can then reevaluate the situation

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01 Aug 2023 13:49:08
Hi Supasub,
Do you still think that Starling bank are good to bank with?

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01 Aug 2023 14:50:55
They have clamped down on direct payments in and out involving exchanges since around Feb this year (I expect them to change it back at some point like the others do) .
I had no problem going via my Revolut account last night (using Revolut for 1st time yesterday to transfer) to starling and back the other way.
Starling is simple to use and if it were'nt for them applying the brakes on what I do then there would be no need to go via Revolut.

Used the easy transfer link between them and it arrived in literally seconds. I struggled with the Revolut P2P function on Binance (Binance have temporarily made it near impossible to convert to EUR or GBP from what I could see yesterday) but worked it out a lot easier via Coinbase. Coinbase to Revolut to Starling was zero fees too and very quick.
Probably more in depth answer than you needed but had to manage it for the 1st time in a couple of months yesterday.
I expect Starling and a few of the rest of the banks will make it easier again soon because of what's coming.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub

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31 Jul 2023 10:48:43
Ed, what happens if someone tokenises the stock market, real estate/property, including Gold/silver, precious metals etc? The stock market alone is worth something like $89 trillion.
I'm guessing facilitating payments of stock purchases using say XRP or another. BTC and ETH would be far too slow and/or expensive.
Food for thought but if it were to happen we'd be retired and on the other hand potential 1 world global currency.

{Ed033's Note - i think they plan to tokenise most everything. What else can they use at the moment that we know about other than XRP or XLM?

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31 Jul 2023 13:46:24
Exactly ed. Makes you wonder. Someone at Wells Fargo today or yesterday has said they expect XRP to be between $100-$500 within 7 months!
Forbes last week pulled an article quickly where someone showed how XRP could hit $59k!
I don't see how else these prices are anywhere near realistic.

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31 Jul 2023 14:08:35
Also it makes the timing of the SEC case against Ripple even more suspect. The coinbase and binance cases were brought in the last few months, XRP and nothing else nearly 3 years ago?
If they wanted to inflict most damage on XRP/Ripple then they would have brought the case in the last few months and not when they did.

{Ed033's Note - Right, makes sense. Next year should be good. :)

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27 Jul 2023 16:17:10
So xrp is about 0.71 cents per coin. Not long till it hits a dollar I think. 0.60 cents will be the bottom now so hopefully we should see a $1.00 bottom line soon

{Ed033's Note - Sounds good.

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27 Jul 2023 19:19:20
Let's hope so ed but once it hits a dollar as a base rate I think it will only go up from there imho

{Ed033's Note - it makes sense that it will. If we see new highs for XRP next year, that's a fantastic start

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25 Jul 2023 15:36:40
Don't know why this hasn't been bigger news but very brief but interesting announcement Ref: Swift, R3 and XRP. I only came across this today but it was around 6 days ago just after the decision in the Ripple - SEC case. I believe R3 also uses XDC.

Swift R3 article

The link is Swift- R3, R3 which uses Corda - Corda which uses XRP. I'm guessing this is some sort of ISO20022 implementation which has been pushed back more than once to July 2023 (coincidently, same month as we get the Ripple vs SEC decision). It's only a matter of time to see the rise in XRP.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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27 Jul 2023 15:12:31
Do you Ed or Supasub think the result in the lawsuit so far was a draw in that both sides got what they wanted.

The result in the crap court case would that be seen as a draw as both parties got what they wanted and will the case still goto trial?

{Ed033's Note - No, i think the SEC wanted and outright win. I think Ripple were more than satisfied so far with this case.

The SEC will decide whether to appeal the present decision.

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27 Jul 2023 22:48:01
Is this case still going to trial ed or is it over apart from the appeal process.

{Ed033's Note - This case is still ongoing because the Judge hasn't decided on Ripple's early 'institutional' sales. It's likely that this decision will go the SEC's way.

The SEC might appeal this case to a higher court to get the previous decision overturned [The 'XRP is not a security' decision].

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28 Jul 2023 20:18:43
A draw? No, imo about 80% in Ripples favour. Without going into too much detail and not knowing what SEC will do next. Its a partial judgement but Torres has stated that XRP is not a security if sold indirectly like on an exchange etc going forward.

The only XRP sales deemed a security would have been pre-2017/2018 sold directly to Ripple's investors. What happens to those? Could they be burned? I hope so but I doubt it. How much will Ripple have to pay for those sales as a penalty on $780 million+ of sales? When XRP is added to the Ripplehub along with BTC, ETH etc how could they be treated differently if BTC is not a security? Is Ripplehub directly selling tokens or is it a secondary market?

We still have a window for settlement but it'll definately be in Ripples favour. Leaving SEC to go after others.
The problem for the SEC if they appeal and lose (which could take years and they probably will lose on appeal as they normally do), it'll set this all as stone in law and they don't want that. They want it to be as messy as possible for everyone so they have a level of control in the crypto banking sector for what's coming.

I expect some sort of settlement but who knows as this could have all been orchestrated from a few years ago as the timing of all this working out as it is seems fishy to me (but then I question everything) . Either way XRP is here to stay and might well be and imo it could be no.1 of crypto going forward underlaying and working with everything going forward including whatever Elon has planned for There is a link to Ripple with almost any Bank/financial institution if you search/dig deep enough in the last few years.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks for the informative post.

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29 Jul 2023 13:49:42
Just to add, we don't know what's happening with Gensler. He may not be in office in a year or 2 let alone a few years. Someone might come in under different orders. The person who brought the SEC vs Ripple case did so on their very last day in office and went to their ETH leaning company leaving other people to carry the baton.
Who knows what these puppets are instructed to do next by their masters.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks Supasub.

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