23 Feb 2022 12:36:53
Ed/anyone, what's your thoughts on how much the crypto market is manipulated? Who actually owns most and how decentralised is it? You see things online about the Rothchilds, Rockerfeller's etc owning most. I suppose the hedge fund/investment companies own chunks, but I still don't understand, say, how volatile some crypto is especially when a lot of something is bought yet still doesn't go up a great deal. If it is manipulated, how it is done across the market, I just don't know how that can be done.

{Ed033's Note - it's something we can't comprehend or control. We gamble on Crypto because we think in a few years, the Cryptos we hold will be higher in value. We might want to get out of our Cryptos into a Stable coin from time to time when we think we could be at a peak for Cryptos, in the hope we can buy back in at a lower price.

1.) 23 Feb 2022
23 Feb 2022 14:56:26
Rumours of the Saudis owning most, also putin or the FBI and bill gates being creators of BTC, who knows?

One thing I know is I don't trust it and it seems like the pathway to the one world currency. I hope I'm wrong of course but I plan to be out by 2025 hopefully with some money left?